My favorite part about the coast is the unending life it brings. The sun beams in light to awake some of the island goers and to warm the rest. But it doesn't just stop there, it brings vibrancy to the sandy towns and beaches to attract the tourists from all around. With each beam of light it seems as if the day could go on forever, as if new life is given to the coast with every shimmer. And as it slowly begins to descend it brings with it a whole new sense of life. The hustle and bustle begins to slow, while laid back appreciation of the scenery begins to sink in. Even the ocean brought creatures begin to follow with suit. The warm colors on the horizon bring a new ambiance that soothes the ocean and welcomes the effervescent fireflies. As the sun slowly slips into the salty waters, life on the coast doesnt stop there, it carries on. The dread headed locals emerge from their slumber, to take on the vivacious night. Even the inexperienced tourists fight fatigue to enjoy the island's night life. From sunrise to sunset, the coast's life is never-ending and always alive.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Friday, June 19, 2015
Ignored Dreams
We hear everyday that we should live our lives to the fullest. We should do this, take risks, never look back, and have no regrets. These little pieces of advice smack us in the face from every direction. Yet even with all the propaganda we still decide, as a majority, to ignore these life hints. But why? Why can't we just go by what our aspirations and dreams whisper in our ears? This is something that I've even asked myself. I want to be that person that has the life they have always dreamed about. I want the life story that will inspire others and give people the little encouragement they need to dive off the deep end. I want to look at my career knowing that this is exactly what I should be doing. I want to look at my future children and know that I have laid a solid foundation for them to dream big. inspiration is around every corner, trying to coax us into believing in ourselves and taking that leap of faith. Now I am a new year older and a new year inspired to be all that I can be. With the good Lord by my side nothing can stop me, not even myself.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
What I See
I see the locals casting, dropping the same line they have for the past thirty years. I see a young kid trying to make his way in this sandy town. I see a sunset that would make God himself take a moment to stare. I see the time slowly fade and the temperature drop with it. I see inspiration and oppurtunity around every corner. I see beauty that comes from the natural foliage and landscapes. I see a place where only certain people can feel the same as I do. I see love blossom with every romantic scene. I see tourists find the new life they have always dreamed of. I see the battered and broken become whole once again. I see the light breeze tickle the ends of the palm trees, making them sway rythmically. I see the beach side beacons beckoning lost ships into the sanctity of the shores. I see the wildlife come alive both in the light and the dark. I see boats from all shapes and sizes. I see where I am supposed to be. I see myself in this rock. I see that I am a part of it, as it is of me. I see around every corner, a reason as to why I shall forever reside here. I see where I belong. I see where my soul feels most at peace.
Monday, June 15, 2015
The Only Way of Life
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Ocean Persepctive
MlPeople from all walks of life come to me. Some run, some stumble, and some blissfully stroll the edge of me. I can tell you which ones are meant to be here, which ones have never left here, and which ones have never even wanted to come here. Everyday I create a scene, in the eyes of God, that would leave a pessimist feeling warm inside and lead an atheist to redemption. I offer an oasis to some and an anchor to others, both literal and figurative. I've realized over my lifespan that for some I offer more than just a place to surf or swim, but a place to heal. I offer a place to find yourself again and I let you find new life though God. Not one person views myself the same as another. I find that I can describe that aspect inspiring and yet troubling all in the same breath. No matter what I am to some I am different to others. I scare some, encourage some, stifle some, and uplift some. I never do the same thing for one person as I do for another, and I'm content with that. I appreciate the career God has laid out for me and I never want to be anything more than who I am, the Ocean.