Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sunrise to Sunset

My favorite part about the coast is the unending life it brings. The sun beams in light to awake some of the island goers and to warm the rest. But it doesn't just stop there, it brings vibrancy to the sandy towns and beaches to attract the tourists from all around. With each beam of light it seems as if the day could go on forever, as if new life is given to the coast with every shimmer. And as it slowly begins to descend it brings with it a whole new sense of life. The hustle and bustle begins to slow, while laid back appreciation of the scenery begins to sink in. Even the ocean brought creatures begin to follow with suit. The warm colors on the horizon bring a new ambiance that soothes the ocean and welcomes the effervescent fireflies. As the sun slowly slips into the salty waters, life on the coast doesnt stop there, it carries on. The dread headed locals emerge from their slumber, to take on the vivacious night. Even the inexperienced tourists fight fatigue to enjoy the island's night life. From sunrise to sunset, the coast's life is never-ending and always alive.

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